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BSL Bill to Face Final Parliamentary Hurdle

BSL Bill to Face Final Parliamentary Hurdle

Mark Griffin MSP's BSL Bill will face its final Parliamentary hurdle on Thursday 17th September. If passed by MSPs, it will become law.

The Bill seeks to increase awareness of BSL and improve access to services available for Scotland’s Deaf population. Under the plans, Scottish Ministers will be required to develop a BSL National Plan for Scotland, with public authorities producing plans in line with the National Plan. While retaining collective responsibility of ministers, the Scottish Government will assign BSL to a Cabinet Secretary or junior minister, who will have responsibility for updating Parliament on the progress of the National Plan and the public authority action plans, highlighting best practice and naming and shaming those who were failing to take action. A National Advisory Board made up predominately of BSL users will also be established to advise Government Ministers on the National Plan.

Mark said:

"I am confident that MSPs will support the Bill on Thursday. I thank everyone who has contributed to the process, which has engaged Deaf and hearing people across Scotland and beyond.

“BSL is the first language of many Deaf people in Scotland. It is the only language some have ever known, or ever will know, yet getting access to basic information in BSL is incredibly difficult. Simple things that so many hearing people take for granted, such as arranging doctor appointments, or reporting a crime to the police, are incredibly difficult for those who communicate in BSL. This has to change, and I am confident that by passing this Bill, we can begin to break down the barriers facing Deaf people on a daily basis.”

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  • You can contact my office by calling 01236 423 555.
  • You can email me at mark.griffin.msp@scottish.
  • You can also write to me at: Mark Griffin MSP, The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh EH99 1SP.

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