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Mark Supports Action on Stroke

Mark Supports Action on Stroke

Mark Griffin MSP has shown his support for the Stroke Association at a recent exhibition in the Scottish Parliament.

Mr Griffin had his blood-pressure taken and learned more about the work the organisation is undertaking in Scotland and across the UK. The association offers high quality information and support for suffers of stroke, their families and carers.

Mark said:

“I fully support the work being carried out by the Stroke Association within our communities.

“One in six people in Scotland will have a stroke and the impact on their lives, and the lives of their family can be devastating. In some cases the psychological effects of a stroke can be just as overwhelming as the physical effects, and therefore it is vital that organisations such as the Stroke Association exist, offering high-quality support and advice for victims, families and carers.”



  • In Scotland one in six people will have a stroke.
  • One in five strokes is fatal.
  • Around 12,500 people have a stroke every year in Scotland.
  • Of these, over 3,000 occur in people of working age or younger
  • There are over 120,000 people living in Scotland who have had a stroke
  • High blood pressure is the single most important risk factor for stroke - It is a factor in around half of all strokes.
  • More than half of all people who have a stroke require support to live independently.
  • Stroke can affect every aspect of life, including the ability to look after yourself, to work and socialise, drive, maintain personal relationships and manage finances.

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  • You can contact my office by calling 01236 423 555.
  • You can email me at mark.griffin.msp@scottish.
  • You can also write to me at: Mark Griffin MSP, The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh EH99 1SP.

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