Data Protection Privacy Notice and Policy Statement for Mark Griffin MSP
This privacy notice explains how my office collects and uses personal information about individuals who contact me in person, by telephone, by letter, by email, by social media or via my website. It is a priority for me to fully represent and advocate for my constituents and to be open and transparent at all times.
My office address and contact details are:
Address: The Scottish Parliament, Room M1.20, Edinburgh, EH99 1SP
Phone: 01236 423555
As a Member of the Scottish Parliament I am registered as a data controller with the UK Information Commissioner and my reference number is: Z304153X
I process personal information to enable me to carry out casework on behalf of my constituents and on issues and campaigns I am involved in. I also process personal information to manage and support my staff and to maintain my own accounts and records in relation to my parliamentary work.
Any personal information that you give to me will be handled confidentially by me and by the staff and volunteers in my office, in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
If you would like information about General Data Protection Regulations including the Data Protection Act 2018 this can be obtained from the Information Commissioner’s Office through their website advice line 0303 123 1113.
What information do we collect about you?
My office collects personal information that is supplied to me in my role as a Member of the Scottish Parliament. It includes information supplied by my constituents and others in relation to matters which I have been asked to pursue in the interests of individuals and groups such as:
· details of specific cases
· information provided by signatories on petitions
· responses to questionnaires
· contact details for the purpose of communicating news and updates
· I also may collect information on use of my website using cookies.
How will we use the information about you?
If you ask me to pursue a matter on your behalf, I will use your information in order to deal with the matter you have raised with me. My staff and volunteers will normally see this information to find help and advice for you.
With your agreement your personal and sensitive personal information may be passed to other agencies such as the National Health Service, Local Authority, Government Departments or other organisations if I believe this to be necessary to pursue the matter you have raised with me. I intend that only the minimum possible personal information will be shared with other agencies, as necessary to assist you.
If you give me personal information about someone other than yourself, I may need to check the facts with that other person. If you ask me to take action on behalf of a friend or relative, I may need to contact that person to confirm that they are happy for me to act on their behalf. If you feel it would not be appropriate for me to contact the other person, you should discuss this with me when you give me their information.
Retention of personal data
I retain personal data for the period that is necessary to carry out casework on behalf of my constituents, to work on issues and campaigns I am involved in, to manage and support my staff, to maintain supplier information and to maintain my accounts and associated records.
I will hold personal information securely for my period of office and thereafter dispose of personal information and case details securely.
Constituency news and events
I would like to send you information about constituency news and events, but I will not use your contact details to do this unless you have said that you would like to be sent this information. If you have said that you would like this information, but later change your mind, you have a right at any time to let us know if you no longer wish to be sent this information. If you wish to receive or stop receiving this information, please contact my office.
Access to your information and correction
If you wish to see any information that I hold about you, if you want me to update or correct any personal information that I hold about you, or if you have any queries regarding personal data that I hold about you, please contact my office.
How to contact us
Please contact me by any of the following methods if you have any queries regarding this privacy policy or how my office handles your information
Write to – Mark Griffin MSP, The Scottish Parliament, Room M1.20, Edinburgh, EH99 1SP
Email -
Telephone – 01236 423555
This Privacy Policy was prepared on the 24th May 2018 and will be updated as required