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Government to Consider Mark's Family Fund Plan

Government to Consider Mark's Family Fund Plan

Mark Griffin's campaign to ensure financial support for families of premature babies during their stay on hospital, has stepped up a gear, with First Minister Nicola Sturgeon pledging to examine the MSP's proposals.

Mr Griffin, whose daughter Rosa was born 12 weeks premature and spent many months in Wishaw General Hospital. No financial support is presently available for parents, who often have to travel great distances on a daily basis to be with their babies.

Parents can incur significant debt and financial hardship as a consequence.

Mark said:

"I raised the issue with Nicola Sturgeon at First Minister's Questions and I am pleased that the Scottish Government will explore this important issue.

“It is a sad and unacceptable reality that many parents, already struggling to cope with the stress of having a very premature baby, often leave hospital knowing that they may not have the finances to return to the the hospital the next day. It was heart-breaking to witness that.

"Normal life is put on hold and for many families high debt and financial difficulty arises from travelling to and from hospital every day. I have called on the Scottish Government to create a fund to support low income families during such a difficult time. I will await the outcome of the Scottish Government's review into this issue but if Ministers do not come forward with plans, I intend to move forward with a Member's Bill."

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  • You can contact my office by calling 01236 423 555.
  • You can email me at mark.griffin.msp@scottish.
  • You can also write to me at: Mark Griffin MSP, The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh EH99 1SP.

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